By Mark Harris Wednesday, 11 January 2023
The Bourns Inc. CRL0805-JW-R100ELF is a 100mΩ thick film resistor with a ±5% tolerance in a surface mount package of 0805 (2012 Metric). The performance of this component is analyzed against statistical benchmarks established from other available resistors with similar characteristics. This review aims to provide valuable comparisons by evaluating its features, under 1V and 10V LCR measurements, to help engineers decide whether this resistor could be a fit for their applications.
Pros and Cons:
Upon examining the impedance performance of the Bourns Inc. CRL0805-JW-R100ELF, it is observed to have a slightly higher than average impedance at 1 Volt across various frequencies when compared to the statistical benchmarks. The component's impedance exhibits a predominantly stable pattern above the average in the LCR measurements taken under both 1 Volt and 10 Volt test conditions. A meticulous analysis of this data reveals that, in most cases, the variation from the average ranges between 0.1 mOhms and 1 mOhms. However, at certain frequencies, such as the 20 kHz test, discrepancies reach up to 5 mOhms.
In the case of the 10 Volt measurements, the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF displays more significant deviations from the benchmark, with varying results across different frequencies. For instance, at 20 kHz and 100 kHz, the impedance is considerably higher and lies outside the provided benchmark range. In contrast, for frequencies like 50 kHz and 75 kHz, the impedance falls below the average, and at 50 kHz specifically, it is even lower than the minimum benchmark value. This information could be particularly meaningful for specialized applications where these distinct frequencies may be integral to the overall functionality.
To summarize, the Bourns Inc. CRL0805-JW-R100ELF exhibits reasonably satisfactory impedance performance relative to the statistical benchmark, with its slightly above-average impedance values at 1 Volt. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge the discrepancies observed in the 10 Volt test results, where both positive and negative variations from the benchmark values were recorded. Hence, engineers should thoroughly analyze the unique requirements of their specific applications to ascertain if the aforementioned deviations could notably influence the component's overall performance.
The Bourns CRL0805-JW-R100ELF Thick Film surface-mount resistor features a nominal resistance value of 100 milliohms and a tolerance of ±5%. When tested at 1 Volt, it demonstrates favorable resistance performance across various frequencies, showcasing its potential compatibility with numerous applications.
Compared to statistical benchmark averages, the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF maintains a relatively consistent resistance across an extensive range of test frequencies. At lower frequencies, such as 5 kHz, 10 kHz, and 20 kHz, the measured resistance values align closely with the statistical benchmark average values. This similar consistency is observed in the mid-range frequencies, where the component's performance remains persistently within the specified tolerance, thereby illustrating its stability.
When examining the highest frequency range of 1 MHz, it is observed that the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF exhibits slightly higher resistance values compared to the statistical benchmark average. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that during the test conducted at 10 Volts, the measured resistance deviates more significantly from the benchmark data, with a distinct increase observed in the mid-frequency range of 20 kHz to 300 kHz.
The Bourns CRL0805-JW-R100ELF Thick Film Resistor demonstrates solid resistance performance when subjected to 1 Volt testing, with tolerable deviations from the statistical benchmark data. Consequently, for applications requiring stability within the defined nominal and tolerance specifications, particularly in frequencies tested, the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF is a reliable consideration. However, it is essential to note that for higher voltage applications, such as 10 Volts and beyond, the resistor's behavior could potentially deviate from the desirable performance range. Therefore, it may require further evaluation for suitability towards the intended purposes within those applications.
The inductance performance of the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF chip resistor has been assessed through LCR measurements conducted at 1 Volt and 10 Volts across various test frequencies, ranging from 5 Hz to 1 MHz. The obtained results were then compared to a statistical benchmark to evaluate the inductance performance of this particular component.
Upon reviewing the data, at 1 Volt, the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF demonstrates higher inductance values when compared to the average benchmark values across most of the test frequencies. For example, at 10 Hz, this component exhibits an inductance of 631.8nH, whereas the average value for the benchmark is 868.9nH. However, the component achieves much better performance at higher frequencies, such as at 1 MHz, where it has an inductance of 1.496nH compared to the benchmark average of 6.152nH.
Similarly, when tested at a higher voltage of 10 Volts, the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF displays increased inductance values at lower frequencies, reaching a peak of 83.9μH at 5 Hz, which is significantly higher than the benchmark average. In contrast, at higher frequencies, the component delivers competitive and preferable values. For instance, it exhibits a 3.873nH inductance at 700 kHz, as opposed to the third quartile value of the benchmark data, which is around 35.43nH.
From the obtained test data, it can be inferred that the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF demonstrates overall satisfactory inductance performance when considering higher frequency applications. Engineers looking to implement this component in their circuits, especially those operating at higher frequencies, can expect consistent and comparatively superior results when compared to the benchmark data of other components with the same nominal value. However, cautious consideration should be applied in cases where low-frequency applications are relevant since the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF shows higher inductance values than its benchmarked counterparts within such frequencies.
The CRL0805-JW-R100ELF Thick Film Resistor from Bourns Inc. has been analyzed and compared to the statistical benchmark formed from other components with a nominal value of 100m. The performance of this Thick Film Resistor yields results that demonstrate both favorable and less favorable deviations from the benchmark.
At lower frequencies, up to 50kHz, the component's impedance and series resistance are consistently closer to the upper end of the benchmark range, indicating a possible higher power dissipation. In contrast, at higher frequencies, above 100kHz, the impedance and series resistance levels are more in line with the benchmark averages, making this a better option for applications within that frequency range.
When comparing the Quality Factor, the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF displays a relatively constant low value for frequencies below 100kHz, whereas the benchmark shows minimal differences within this range. The Thick Film Resistor quality factor starts to increase after the 100kHz mark and shows numbers at the low end of the benchmark values, delivering more consistent performance at higher frequencies. This property could prove advantageous in applications where high-frequency performance is essential.
In terms of Series Inductance, this component performs well compared to the benchmark at lower frequencies, displaying higher inductance values which might be preferable in certain applications. On the other hand, Series Capacitance is not present until 1kHz, with a value of 3.276 Farads, while lower value capacitors exist in the benchmark as early as 5kHz. This factor might influence the circuit configuration choices for substrate designers.
Overall, the Bourns Inc. CRL0805-JW-R100ELF Thick Film Resistor exhibits particular strengths in higher frequency applications, with a generally consistent performance compared to the statistical benchmark. The aforementioned characteristics should be considered when assessing this Resistor's applicability for specific circuit designs. It is important to remember each application's requirements and the trade-offs that need to be made when selecting this component.
After meticulously analyzing the performance of the Bourns CRL0805-JW-R100ELF Resistor against the provided statistical benchmark, a few key observations can be made. As the test results show, this thick film Resistor demonstrated adequate performance in terms of impedance and resistance values within the manufacturing tolerances. However, it is important to take note that there were variations in the series resistance, series inductance, and series capacitance at the different test frequencies, which may indicate some inconsistency in performance.
When comparing the component measurements at 1 Volt with the statistical benchmark, the series resistance values were consistently higher than the average benchmark values across all test frequencies. The series inductance measurements were also found to be larger than the statistical benchmark in most test frequencies.
When tested at 10 Volts, it is evident that the performance of the CRL0805-JW-R100ELF Resistor deviated further from the benchmark values, especially in terms of series resistance and certain test frequencies where series inductance and series capacitance were unmeasured. This deviation highlights potential performance concerns for engineers considering this Resistor's usage in voltage-sensitive applications.
Considering the test results at both 1 Volt and 10 Volts, and their comparison to the benchmark, engineers should exercise caution when integrating the Bourns CRL0805-JW-R100ELF Resistor in their circuits, especially within voltage-critical applications. The provided data may be useful to make informed decisions as to whether the performance of this Resistor is suitable for specific design requirements or if alternative components should be explored to fulfill desired performance requirements.